Snow suddenly starts to fall
softly on me with gentle aches.
This feeling that I am experiencing,
I don’t understand it al all.
So I just watched the snow fall, fall, fall,
falling with the sound of pleasant knocks.
But I ignored those knocks
believing it was just the beauty of this feeling,
how nice it is to be in this situation.
When the pile had reached its limit,
the light broke the clouds along with my mind.
The awe from the light melted the snow,
warmed the numbness of those peaceful knocks
into heavy, throbbing aches.
I have fallen in love with you.
- realized this feeling on the same day as my last post....
The seed was left alone and buried in eternal darkness,
like an innocent kid abandoned from its home.
Betrayed from its loved one, betrayed from the light,
the seed is desperate to break the door and be free once more.
But it is far too weak and too much in pain to be able too.
So it forces itself to be in complete darkness
and leaves its broken heart untouched,
for it cannot let go of its penetrating painful past
nor can it repair its heart again.
But without the seed knowing, its friends helped the seed.
With the warmth of their love,
and their never-ending falls of pure advice,
time after time the seed grew, grew, grew.
It grew wiser, more mature,
it regains its original self, the way its friends miss and love the most.
Finally having its strength and courage back,
the seed broke the door and soared into the light.
It blooms in the light with the sun and water,
showing its true colors is what makes the flower special,
In fact it’s humble smile is the best cure for all.
-realized this feeling on feb 12, 2009