Another weird dream... with HIM


I just had the most confusing dream today,
and yes its with HIM again. [facepalm]
It all started out with the whole world has finally coming to an end,
and we are all going to die.
Then somehow,
Da wind,
and I were together...
[Yawnnhi wasnt there because i think its because she doesnt know HIM tat well... So i guess my dream cut her out.. no offense...]
Surprisingly we were all calm and quiet.
I said: "So.. anybody got any last words before we die?"
Then after a few minutes,
HE started to say something,
specifically to Da wind.
"Hey Duyen... This might be late... but... Will you be my gf?"
In my head... I was like this: (O_O)?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
I knew Da wind was gonna reject,
but she and Yawnnhi,
[and maybe Thaitea...? Idk...]
support JBF all the way...
'James Brenda Friends'...
Honestly i thought they meant:
"***** ****** Forever"...........
we are just friends! (>x<)
But this was the twist of my dreams,
Da wind said yes!
So they were all lovey dovey and all,
but somehow I was crying... (o-o)....
I have no idea why i was crying..
I know for sure it wasnt tears of joy...
But tears of sadness....
Was i crying for the end of the world....
But that wont make sense i was crying in front of them....
I guess its because I secretly dislike that pairing in an immature way....?

Sigh... Spring Break...

It's been a while since i last posted...

I wont get into detail of what happened,
if you do,
look up youko's blog!
Imma just give you the main topics of each day of my spring break:
Day 1: ............................ Hw time.. (=w=).....
Day 2: Ke-ki's House!!! \(owo)/ and glasses appointment.... \("=w=)a... And back to Ke-ki's house!!!! \(OwO)/
Day 3: Buffet with buddies and daddy, and hangout at my house? \(owo)/
Day 4: Had fun in Little Tokyo, till all that happiness was crushed by the fact that my house got robbed.... But I shall use CLAMP's famous quote: "I'm sure I'll be alright".
Day 5: Just went home from Thaitea's house, but now home doesn't feel nice as it was before....
Day 6: Hoping all of this was just a nightmare, but I guess it isn't... [Btw, sorry if i dont answer, cuz aniki has dominated my computer... (T~T)...]
Day 7: Partah at my grand uncle's house. [Btw, if i dont answer that is because my older brother is on because he has officially dominated my own computer... Curse him.. ("T~T)... Wait... Curse the robbers for taking his freaking laptop... Q(=x=#)...]

Must think of a strategy!

Nothing much happened today,

accept one thing.
Since my buttdae is coming up soon,
I have to think of who I can invite.
Of course most of my family members are coming,
and Imma invite a lot of friends,
old and new,
so it could be a reunion day and day where each of my friends become friends!
But the thing that sucks is...
That my mommy said 'No Boys.'....
They are just friends... ("=x=)....
And I want to see them again! (">x<)o
I like hanging out with my guy friends too,
because they are pretty athletic and very funny.
Must think of a strategy for them to come!! (>x<)/
Btw, ( o-o)/!
For some reason,
Yawnnhi and Da wind asked the same ?...
'Are you inviting James, too?'
Why did you guys asked...
Oh yea,
lucky for Yawnnhi,
President of 'Brenda it a Neko' club,
my sempai recently joined,
because of the fact that I love bells... ("=w=).....
Oi vey.

This is why I hate myself at times...


I had many fails.
More than any other days.
it was 'rainy' day schedule,
due to the breezy weather...
So I decided to play Badminton.
I noticed a weird thing though...
My classmate was losing,
and he was the 'beast' in Badminton.
So he suddenly replaced his partner with me [because it was doubles]
And suddenly he started to become better...
And what I'm pissed off is that I didn't get to hit the bird... (#=w=)
Do I bring good luck or something!?!?
I was pissed off that I wasn't able to hit the bird because of that freaking bird hogger,
that I decided to go against him.
My partner and I were so close to winning.
This was the closest that everybody has gone when they competed against him.
But with my stupid clumsiness,
I slipped on the last shot,
and missed......
WHY?!?! ("T~T)
Another one was Food Fair.
GOOD PHOOD!!! o(>x<)o
I couldn't get any phood,
because of my forgetfulness I keep forgetting to buy the tickets...
I really think its stupid to buy tickets just for Food Fair...
But my asb friend said it's to make everything more 'clean'...
Was the creator of this on crack..? ( =x=)?
So since I don't have any tickets,
I decided to buy some.
Turned out they were sold out.
So I walked away,
but then the president came running to the stand with some more tickets.
So I went back in line,
and again,
by the time i came up they were sold out..
I mistook a track meet with a swim meet...
Biggest fail ever...
I WAS at LQ when I got a call from my friend,
Rei Tran.
She told me where I was,
and I told her I'm in the front of her school,
she said that the meet was at MY school,
So I went back to my school,
and called her again.
She said she was at the pool... ( o-o)
I thought..
The pool...?
I thought track was.....
at the TRACK.
Turned out though...
She meant a SWIM MEET....
I guess I my hearing impaired ruin it all...
At least I get to meet my old friend again... ("=w=)....
I even gave her a mini tour,
she kept saying tat GGHS is a REAL hs. ( =w=)?
She was surprised of how GGHS has two gyms,
our own auditorium,
the elevator,
the stairs,
and of course the space itself.
She also mistook the Y building in my school as a motel....
Same as Erika's.... ("=w=)..
Then after the tour,
I surprisingly met my ole cousin-in-law-who-i-haven't-seen-in-a-year.
So today was a reunion day for me.
Before I forget,
my cousin said a disturbing comment on aniki...
She said he was h***.......
if you excuse me,
I must barf.

I Got Harassed...


after school,
I got harassed by my friends.... ("=x=)....
They were messing with my hair for minute or so,
because it was their first time they have seen my new haircut.
They kept saying it was 'cute',
actually everybody at school today start saying it was 'nice' or 'cute'... ( o-o)...?
I then covered my bangs,
knowing it was a bit too short.
Suddenly I felt a hand in my hair,
fixing my hair furiously.
She was giving me an advice when you want to cover your messy hair,
[well actually when she did that it made my hair more messy for a moment.. ("=w=)a],
she was fixing my bangs to side bangs.
After she finished it,
she screamed with joy,
made me sit down for I was too tall for her,
and took a picture of me... ("=x=)..
My expression was weird,
it was like this: ("=x=)...
But somehow my hair did looked nice in that picture surprisingly... ( o-o)...
Well before all of this pageebers has happened,
I took my bio BM today,
and it wasn't half bad.
It was mostly common sense/examples/'what if's.
So that was a piece of cake.
I hope that will bring my grade up! (">x<)o
And lastly no weird dreams again.
Phew! ("=w=)a
But I always wonder...
Why is my guy friend mostly in my recent dreams... ( o-o)
Not even my friends appear a lot in my dreams...... ("=x=)?
Well onwards to my project now!
Bai Bai for now! \(=w=)

Man.. I'm Behind Again...


I got behind on my posting..
Sorry.. ("=w=)a
It feels like weeks since my last post. (=w=)
So what new things that has happened to me recently that I can remember?
I got a new haircut... ("=w=)...
Got bangs...
And like my fortune,
didn't turned out so well...
Bangs do not suit my face,
or my style at all...
I don't really mind,
well maybe I do only because I dearly miss my old original hairstyle,
the original hairstyle that completely changed my look when I was in elementary school from bangs to no bangs!
Should've not listened to aniki and just like the way I am,
or was...
But I admit,
I got it cuz I wanted to try something new,
and I'm also glad that I got a haircut.
Not because I finally got my split ends off,
it was because I was able to cut off my bad memories.
And when I say bad memories I mean like my emo memories..
Not those other memories that I enjoyed with all my friends!
Plz don't misunderstand! ("=w=)/..
it's true that I always wanted my hair to be long,
cuz it looked nice,
felt nice when you tied it up,
and you can do many styles with it. [In my opinion.]
But I wanted to have long hair that is filled with good memories,
no bad ones.
Since my hair is now way shorter than before,
and a bit not a satisfying one...
I'm still okay with it.
It was eventually grow out time after time.
So everything's good. (=w=)v
Tons of people at school said they liked my old hair style better,
and I agree. ( =w=)...
Oh well...
Onwards to my next,
again disturbing topic....!
I had another dream this morning....
I was somehow dressed..
in a dress...
And who wants to guess what colors I was wearing?
I was wearing Haku's colors.....
Wtfreak... ("=w=)....
The dress was okay.
Not to fancy,
and not crappy.
And somehow,
I was in a ball... ( o-o)...
My guy friend was the 'prince' in the ball... ( o-o).....
And he wanted to dance with me,
only me... ( o-o)......................................
I have no idea how i got into that situation in the first place....
But i know for sure i chickened out of the ball. ( =w=)v
But somehow when i came home,
he was at my house too! ( O_O)!
He also said he wanted to celebrate my birthday together.
And for some reason it was only me and him... (=w=") ("=w=)
What was even creeper was it was nighttime........
He is a stalker!!! ("O_O)-- (^-^ )?